The Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act has been widely used for decades to “legally” detain people for up to two years without charges or a trial on the pretext of maintaining “public order.” The Public Safety Act has widely been condemned, including by the UN Human Rights Committee which has noted that the PSA contravenes the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, especially the rights to liberty and to a free and fair trial. This is one of the select Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir laws that retained after the legal changes imposed on Indian-Adminsitered Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019.
Topics: preventive detention, arbitrary imprisonment, violation of political rights, violation of right to liberty, violation of right to free expression, violation of freedom of belief, violation of due process, violation of right to habeas corpus, violation of right to free and fair trial, prisoners of conscience, suppression of dissent, colonial domination
April 1978
Originally published