Project South, KLJP, KSCAN
July 9, 2024

In May 2024, Indian authorities continued to commit grave human rights violations in Indian-administered Kashmir (IAK). Indian forces killed at least five people and continued their ongoing campaigns of mass arbitrary detention and property expropriation, including based on purported links to “terrorism.” Indian authorities continued to enhance state surveillance and suppress free expression, including through arresting virtual private network (VPN) users and expanding digital surveillance through AI-based facial recognition technologies.

Numerous Kashmiri journalists, human rights defenders, political activists, and dissenters continue to be arbitrarily detained. Emblematic cases include those of human rights defenders Khurram Parvez – illegally imprisoned for over two and half years (959 days), journalist Sajad Gul – illegally imprisoned for almost two and a half years (915 days) and academic Abul Ala Fazili – illegally imprisoned for over two years (813) days.

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July 2024

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